Remember ! Trying is a part of failing. If you are afraid to fail then you're afraid to try

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Pearl Words

Young men's knocks old men feel. - Proverb, (english)

You have to stay in shape. My grandmother, she started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 today and we don't know where the hell she is. - Ellen Degeneres

Trying is a part of failing. If you are afraid to fail then you're afraid to try. - Mrs. Cunningham

The darkest hour of a man's life is when he sits down to plan how to get money without earning it. - Horace Greeley

A restive morsel needs a spur of wine. - Proverb, (french)

Whatever is worth doing at all, is worth doing well. - Lord Chesterfield

The most thoroughly wasted of all days is that on which one has not laughed. - Nicolas Chamfort

A blow with a reed makes a noise but hurts not. - Proverb, (spanish)

Count your blessings. - Proverb, (german)

In the looking-glass we see our form, in wine the heart. - Proverb, (german)

A hug a day keeps the demons at bay. - Proverb, (german)

A man he seems of cheerful yesterdays, And confident to-morrows. - William Wordsworth, The Excursion

Be this our wall of brass, to be conscious of having done no evil, and to grow pale at no accusation. - Proverb

Too late is tomorrow's life; live for today. - Martial

And now am I, if a man should speak truly, little better than one of the wicked. -King Henry IV. Part I. Act i. Sc. 2. - William Shakespeare

On a fool's beard all learn to shave. - Proverb, (portuguese, Spanish)

Every Communist must grasp the truth: "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.". - Mao Tse-tung

We cannot really love anybody with whom we never laugh. - Mary Roberts Rhinehart

The lazy man who goes to borrow a spade says, "I hope I will not find one." - Proverb, (madagasy)

Better one living word than a hundred dead ones. - Proverb, (german)

The learned fool writes his nonsense in better language than the unlearne, but it is still nonsense. - Benjamin Franklin

Nothing is ever lost by courtesy. It is the cheapest of the pleasures costs nothing and conveys much. It pleases him who gives and him who receives, and thus, like mercy, it is twice blessed. - Erastus Wiman

Feast of Lawrence, Deacon at Rome, Martyr, 258 Have you stopped seeing great things happen in your life? Perhaps you have stopped believing that God can work in a mighty way even in our generation. - Luis Palau

Cole's Law: Thinly sliced cabbage. - Unknown

Earth took her shining station as a star, In Heaven's dark hall, high up the crowd of worlds. - Philip James Bailey, Festus (sc. The Centre)

You can judge your age by the amount of pain you feel when you come in contact with a new idea. - John Nuveen

No one should be judge in his own cause. - Syrus Publilius Syrus, Maxims

East, west, home's best. - Proverb, (dutch, German)

Act as if it were impossible to fail. - Dorothy Broude

No man can make another's destiny and all the wishing in the world will not make it so. - Proverb, (darkovan)

It is no advantage for a man in fever to change his bed. - Proverb, (latin)

To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day. - Anson G. Chester, Tapestry Weavers

Habit causes love. - Proverb (latin)

You're not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it. - Malcolm X

Each man must ride the road of his own fate. - Proverb (darkovan)

We always love those who admire us, and we do not always love those whom we admire. - Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld

To teach is to learn twice. - Joseph Joubert

When a mouse has fallen into a meal sack, he thinks he is the miller himself. - Proverb (dutch)

He is not poore that hath little, but he that desireth much. - George Herbert

Who wives for a dower, resigns his own power. - Proverb (french)

It is more dangerous that even a guilty person should be punished without the forms of law than that he should escape. - Thomas Jefferson

Having seen and felt the end, you have willed the means to the realization of the end. - Thomas Troward

The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. - Sara Payson Willis Parton

No arsenal or no weapon in the arsenals of the world is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women. - Ronald Reagan

Good day to you all! said the fox, when he got into the goose-pen. - Proverb (dutch)

Force not favours on the unwilling. - Proverb (latin)

Desperate cuts must have desperate cures. - Proverb (english)

Man's life is a sojourn in a strange land. - Proverb (latin)

Endurance is the crowning quality, And patience all the passion of great hearts. - James Russell Lowell

Little beard, little modesty. - Proverb (spanish)

We have not the love of greatness, but the love of the love of greatness. - Thomas Carlyle

A fool hath no dialogue within himself, the first thought carrieth him without the reply of a second. - Lord Halifax

History is past politics; and politics present history. - John Seeley

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